The Experience of an 88 Year Old Womans 1st Time RV Camping

[SOWLE Journeys of Faith]

August 30, 2019

The Experience of an 88 Year Old Womans 1st Time RV Camping

SOWLE Journeys of Faith

It was time to take the RVs out again! This time the motorhome was occupied by our grandma (aka GG). GG is an 88-year-old woman who has never been RV Camping! We thought it was time to get her out for the experience. We planned a trip for 30 days. Go big or go home, right?!?! This is SOWLE RV Journeys The Experience of an 88 Year Old Womans 1st Time RV Camping [SOWLE Journeys of Faith]!

Starting Off

This SOWLE RV Journey begins with GG and her first RV Camping trip at Pomona Lake in Kansas with an Excessive Heat Warning for the first 7 days with a “feels-like” temperature between 105-115 degrees every day! That wasn’t a great way to experience the great outdoors as most of our time was spent indoors in the cold A/C!

Finally, a cool front moved through, but of course that brought along with-it Severe Thunderstorm Warnings. Thankfully the weather didn’t get severe where we were staying. However, GG did get to “enjoy” the sounds of rain in an RV. As an extra special treat, the sounds of rain on a bedroom slide out.

If you’re an RVer, you know what I’m talking about from your first time experiencing it!

Weather Improvements Lead to a Walking Taco Experience

The next day was a beautiful day with a high in the low 80’s, all be it very windy! GG got to try out her very first RV Camping tradition of the “Walking Taco” and it was a hit!

The weather continued to improve, thankfully, and that was a big help to be able to get everyone outside more often!

Handicap Accessibility

We had to make some adjustments to the Motor Home to get GG in and out of it because the stairs are a bit steep. My Dad built up a Hydraulic Lift system that we simply pumped up to the front door. Then, GG stepped onto the platform, and then we slowly released the pump. Finally, she was able to step off it and either walk with her cane or we would use the wheelchair to get her around if we were going very far.

Handicap accessibility is a big part of our RV Camping adventures with Aiden too, so we are currently looking for something easier and more permanent to adapt our motor home. Hopefully, we can come up with something more like the Dream Lift that we use on our Travel Trailer but that particular model won’t work with our smaller motor home.



Fun Activities at Pomona Lake and Surrounding Areas

We were able to do a small Bible Study, took a few drives, visited the Vassar Mercantile, and had a really yummy dinner at Breck’s Green Acres Restaurant in Vassar, KS!

GG was also very happy to be able to celebrate Aiden’s 16th Birthday with him. We had a movie night inside to avoid potential storms and really had a fun time!

Then, after about a week, we moved on to our next reservations at Hillsdale State Park (also in Kansas).

The weather didn’t cooperate again, and we had quite a few rainy days and some strong thunderstorms at first, but thankfully that brought in cooler weather and we were able to enjoy a little more time outside.

GG really enjoyed people watching. She liked seeing all the RV Campers that came in and out of the campground. There are a large variety of types of RVs that you can read about in our article RV Camping for Beginners and many different floorplans. She also enjoyed Bird Watching, however, this trip, we didn’t see nearly as many as we normally do.

The most fun activity was simple and free. We went for a long walk all around the campground and GG and Aiden were able kick back and ride along in their wheelchairs. We showed GG where we would be staying on our next trips, and she was amazed at how beautiful the lake view was and how large of an area we were in. She even commented that she would like to take some photos of the area so she could paint it when she got home! GG is an artist and creates beautiful paintings! Hopefully she can do that this winter! For now, we are going to continue taking RV Camping Trips!


The Experience of an 88 Year Old Womans 1st Time RV Camping [SOWLE Journeys of Faith]

GG and our Top Funny Things Seen While RV Camping!

If you have already read our article FUNNY THINGS SEEN WHILE RV CAMPING PART 2, then you already know about these next 2 things that happened! Since it was a big part of memory making for GG while on her first trip, of course I must add it here too! Here are the funnies…

The Experience of an 88 Year Old Womans 1st Time RV Camping [SOWLE Journeys of Faith] | SOWLE RV

Only Funny AFTER the Fact

A young woman pulls up to her parents’ campsite to let her mom out at her site after going into town. She leaves her 88-year-old grandmother in the truck with it running to keep her cool.

Then, she comes back out of parent’s RV and hears her grandmother yelling “help” and she looks to see her with the door open and the truck moving forward at a good pace.

She runs with all her might towards the truck, jumps into the driver’s seat (thankfully she left the doors unlocked) and hits the brake as they end up in a large cedar tree!

Apparently, she left the truck in Drive, and it eventually revved up and started moving eventually. Everyone was fine, no injuries. But quite a story for this first time RV camping 88-year-old woman to tell!

This was our family and GG said later “I mowed down that cedar tree!”

SOWLE RV Our New Normal

The Roof is on FIRE!

I promise I’m not trying to pick on our GG, however, she did have quite a few experiences during her first RV Camping Trip! This next funny happened in the bedroom of our Motor Home.

I had purchased one of the Skylight Covers with reflective surface for the living room but forgot to get one for the bedroom. I didn’t realize it until the night before we planned to leave that the light really came into the bedroom.

So, I looked around to see what I could find to put up in the Skylight. I found a piece of crate foam that we had cut up for Aiden’s smaller bed. So, I put it up in the skylight and that was that.

After her first night camping, the next day was a very sunny day. She went back into the bedroom of our Motor Home, looked up at the ceiling and thought it was on fire, so she used the Intercom System to tell my Parents “The Roof is on Fire”!

I’m certain my parents moved much faster than they thought they could to get over to the motor home!

The Interview of GG’s Experience

An 88-Year-Old’s 1st Time RV Camping

[SOWLE Journeys of Faith]



The Interview

Now I could go on and on and on about all the experiences of a 1st time RV Camping Trip, however, to experience it as an 88-year-old I simply cannot. So, what better way to get the details on what it feels like to RV Camp for the very 1st time in your late 80’s than to interview GG!

Here is GG’s Interview
Before you went on your first camping trip, what was the one thing you were looking forward too?

Being with my family

Anything you were concerned about?

No not really

What did you have to do to prepare for the trip?

Uh let’s see, mostly just pack my clothes and my shoes that I could wear out in the grass.

Describe what your first night was like.

I think the first thing that I noticed was that it was so dark because there were no streetlights. Not nervous to stay alone, didn’t bother me a bit.

What did you like best about camping in an RV?

The privacy, being alone in it, and doing what I wanted to do.

Is there anything you didn’t like?

No not really.

What were your favorite 2 meals?

Steak and roast with little potatoes.

What was the biggest adjustment you had to make between living in an RV camping and home for 30 days?

I think just being confined in a lot smaller area was different.

What is your favorite game to play Outside while camping?

Ring toss

Do you think cocoa (her chihuahua) had a good first RV camping trip?

Well, I think so. She didn’t seem to mind it at all.

Is there something you’ve heard about camping that you would like to try that you didn’t do on your first trip?

Not that I know of.

What is the scariest thing that happened on your trip?

Definitely the vehicle driving me with no one in the driver’s seat. I was goin’ and I wasn’t even drivin!

What was the most Memorable thing that happened on your trip?

I just enjoyed being with the family that was there!

In Conclusion to The Experience of an 88 Year Old Womans 1st Time RV Camping [SOWLE Journeys of Faith]

Thanks for reading SOWLE RV’s The Experience of an 88 Year-Old Womans 1st Time RV Camping! If you would like to keep up on all of SOWLE RV’s Journeys, simply Join the SOWLE RV Community below for all the SOWLE RV updates!

Everybody Has a Story to Tell

Everyone has had that moment (or more) where they knew something that happened was destined to happen. The blessing that occurred at just the right moment (even if maybe it wasn’t exactly what you had been praying for). It was just supposed to be THIS WAY moment. It felt right. We love hearing peoples stories about those divine moments when something happened and you just knew it was supposed to. We would love to hear YOUR story! We plan to add a section on our website for YOUR stories! If you would like to share your story and be considered for having it added to our site, send us a message below and we will get in contact with you.


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The Experience of an 88 Year Old Womans 1st Time RV Camping [SOWLE Journeys of Faith] | SOWLE RV

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