Soar Successfully in Your Bible Study Journey with the “SOWLE” Bible Study Outline

Written by SOWLE RV

May 24, 2024

Soar Successfully in Your Bible Study Journey with the “SOWLE” Bible Study Outline


Using “SOWLE” for Your Bible Study Journey

Yes, “SOWLE” for us at SOWLE RV is an acronym for “Soaring On Wings Like Eagles” from Isaiah 40:31 in the Bible; however, it is also the effective way to study the bible! So, what does “SOWLE” stand for when using it to study the Bible? It stands for Start, Outline, Write, Life, Essential.


Guiding Your BIBLE Study Journey with the “SOWLE” Bible Study Outline | SOWLE RV




Example Using Isaiah 40:28-31 for Your Bible Study Journey

 Isaiah 40:28-31 is known as part of “Comfort for God’s People” in the Bible. I am going to use that specific scripture to share examples of how to use “SOWLE” when starting your Bible Study Journey throughout this article.




The most important thing to do when beginning your Bible Study Journey is to START! Studying the Bible can seem very overwhelming and even downright scary because there is so much information in this book. There are 66 books, and each book is broken into chapters, and those chapters each contain verses. It’s a lot to take in for sure! But let me share something with you that may help, as I know it helped me… The phrase “Do not be afraid” is written (in some form or another) 365 times OR MORE in the Bible! Are you pondering if that is REALLY TRUE? Check out this book by Jeff Kusner, “Fearful to Fearless”, where he brings together almost 400 passages of scripture that tell us not to be afraid. So, what does that tell you? It is a message to you every single day, 365 days/year, to not be afraid! So, Let’s START! START with prayer. Then if you like the idea of reading a devotional or two, add that into your daily routine.

Now it is time for the Bible Study of scripture. START with what interests you most. Something you have heard someone quote from the Bible that rang true for you, something that is bothering you, or something that you need more guidance on. There is a great little book that a good friend of mine gave me called “God’s Promises for You” by Max Lucado. It is a perfect START if you have a main idea of what you want to focus studying on but don’t know exactly where it is in the Bible or if there are other verses that are like it in the Bible. No matter what, it is important to START with something that really grabs your attention. Another idea is to use our Sunday Scripture with SOWLE RV weekly inspiration verses.

We are going to START with Isaiah 40:28-31 in the free SOWLE Bible Study Outline Example you receive when you sign up. Here is the NIV (New International Version) of this scripture:

Isaiah 40:28-31

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.


Guiding Your BIBLE Study Journey with the “SOWLE” Bible Study Outline | SOWLE RV





OUTLINE what you have read in scripture. It is very helpful in seeing the big picture. Creating a simple OUTLINE gives you a topic or main idea to begin with and then can be built upon with key words, supporting details, and evidence (that happens to be our next step in WRITE).



WRITE and the 5 W’s +1H

WRITE down the keywords, supporting details, and evidence within your Outline from above.

The best way to cover everything to truly understand the verse is to do a typical 5 W + 1H we learned in school: “Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How”.

I use the same OUTLINE and WRITE technique when doing my bible study and I thought it might be helpful to share it with you.

It is very simple and basic, but it works, doesn’t take much time to fill it in, and it keeps you focused on the main purpose of all of this, which is learning and understanding the bible.




The next step is LIFE. Some questions to ask yourself now are:   How does this scripture pertain to LIFE in general? How does this scripture personally pertain in your LIFE? How can you include it in your LIFE? How has it affected your LIFE in the past? How can if affect your LIFE in the future?


Guiding Your BIBLE Study Journey with the “SOWLE” Bible Study Outline | SOWLE RV





What is the most ESSENTIAL information you can take from this scripture? If it helps, you can even write the verse(s) in your own words to help you remember it better.



Embark on a Yearlong Journey with the Bible!

Now, if you want to study the bible in depth as well as read through the bible in a year, I must share with you the absolute BEST way I have found to do this! I LOVE the Daily Bible by Max Lucado titled “GRACE FOR THE MOMENT“. I have used this many years to read and study the bible daily, and it works great along with the “SOWLE” version of Studying.

You simply read through the daily portions from “GRACE FOR THE MOMENT” which include scripture verses from the Old Testament, Psalms, Proverbs, and then the New Testament every day. Then you decide from that daily reading what is most important and really grabs your attention. From there, START with the “SOWLE” Bible Study Outline way of studying from above!




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