Written by SOWLE RV
October 28, 2018
How YOU Can Help Project FeederWatch
Our son, Aiden, has special needs and because of those special needs, he received Homebound Services through our school district. A few years ago, one of his teachers began to implement a new program called “n2y” short for News to You. The n2y program provides meaningful access to the general education curriculum and is then modified to meet Individual Education Plan Goals for kids who need a more modified education plan. This program provides children with special needs a weekly newspaper full of information and current real news. SO, WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH HOW YOU CAN HELP PROJECT FEEDERWATCH?
How We Decided to Help Project FeederWatch
Project FeederWatch was the very first weekly newspaper Aiden was exposed to through this program! We had never heard of it before nor were we ever really interested in birds anyway, HOWEVER, Aiden showed so much interest that it led to many ideas of how to entertain and educate him in the winter months when we go into “Lock-Down” (more on that later).
Are You a Bird Watching Fan or Just Not Yet?
You may already be a fan of bird watching or you may not even know you can become one real fast as we did! Either way, you may have some questions regarding this Project and we have the answers (and if we don’t, we will get them for you)!
What is Project FeederWatch?
Project FeederWatch is a program created to observe winter feeder birds and to monitor winter birds. The data that is recorded by individuals like YOU and ME are entered into a database and help Scientists learn so much more about the bird population all over the Continent!
Who Operates Project FeederWatch?
Project FeederWatch is operated by The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Bird Studies Canada. It began in the 1970’s in Ontario Canada. Dr. Erica Dunn established the Ontario Bird Feeder Survey in 1976 and after 10 years and 500 participants, the organization realized they would need much more information.
That’s when they reached out to the United States, more specifically the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. By the late 1980’s more than 4,000 people were participating in Project FeederWatch. Now we have over 20,000 participants! Now THAT is a lot of Bird Watchers!
Who Can Participate in Project FeederWatch?
ANYONE can participate! Project FeederWatch participants are of all skill levels and backgrounds! Absolutely anyone of any age can be involved!
How YOU Can Help Project FeederWatch
Project FeederWatch is mostly supported by participants. The annual participation fee is $18.00 in the United States and $35.00 in Canada. When you sign up to participate in Project FeederWatch you will receive a Research Instructional Kit.
This kit includes a Welcome Letter with an ID Number that is needed to enter your data; hang on to this!
It also includes the FeederWatch Handbook and Instructions with feeding information for your birds as well as instructions on how to participate. Also included is a Full-Color poster of winter birds commonly seen as feeders. The birds of the East are on one side and the birds of the West are on the other side.
Finally, there is also a Bird Watching Days Calendar included helping you keep track of the days you participate in the count. You also get access to a lot of information on the Project FeederWatch website as well! There’s a TON of information on their site so be sure to check it out at Project FeederWatch!
What Do I Need to Participate in Project FeederWatch?
You may be thinking that the only way to attract birds to your backyard is with a Bird Feeder, however, you do have more options! You can also use a birdbath, or even plants and bushes to attract birds! Kids can make their own bird feeders as an art craft too!
When Does Project FeederWatch Begin and End?
Project FeederWatch is a winter-long program. Project FeederWatch begins in November and ends in April. But don’t worry, you can join anytime! It can take up to 3 weeks to get your Research Instructional Kit, however, you can start your counts anytime and add the data once you receive your Kit with ID Number! We are a little late getting started this year as well and plan to get enrolled again TODAY!
Why Do People Participate in Project FeederWatch?
FeederWatch data shows the scientists which birds visit feeders in thousands of locations every winter. The data can indicate where birds are but also where birds are not showing up that should be. It provides bird population information that really can’t be found any other way.
Your bird counts will help you to keep track of what’s happening where you are located and help scientists track what’s happening all over the United States and Canada! This is all important because it tells Scientists which species of birds are at risk for population decline and makes it possible for them to make recommendations on how to remedy this problem before it’s too late.
How YOU Can Help Project FeederWatch by Counting Birds
Data for Project FeederWatch can be entered weekly, but you can count birds as often or as infrequently as you have time for!
How YOU Can Help Project FeederWatch by Joining
All you need to do is go to the Project FeederWatch Website and Join! You can JOIN HERE as well!
If you would like to donate to Project FeederWatch, you may DONATE HERE!
There is another option to give a membership as a gift to someone you think may be interested in Project FeederWatch! We gift this to Aiden’s Great-Grandmother and Great-Grandfather every year and they’re 88 and 91 years old and enjoy watching birds together! You may give a MEMBERSHIP GIFT HERE!
What Do I Do AFTER I Sign Up For Project FeederWatch?
Stay tuned to SOWLE Blog Posts! We will be adding an article on “How to Bird Watch” very soon that will get you ready for the birding season with little effort!
Conclusion of How You Can Help Project FeederWatch
Thank You for Taking the Time to Learn How You Can Help Project FeederWatch!
We would LOVE for YOU to join us in participating with Project FeederWatch this year! When you decide to join, please let us know below and we will add you to our private group of SOWLE Bird Watchers! It’s a fun way to interact with other Bird Watchers, share photos and ask questions along the way!
This project is for beginners all the way to experienced bird watchers of any age! So, WHAT are YOU waiting for?? Join us in this fun, winter-long experience! Believe me, it REALLY helps make those Winter Blues “FLY” by!
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