The Exciting Trip 1 Hour Away that Ended Up Taking 6 Hours to Arrive!
[SOWLE Journeys of Faith]July 27, 2019
Introduction to SOWLE RV JOURNEYS: The Exciting Trip 1 Hour Away that Ended Up Taking 6 Hours to Arrive!
SOWLE Journeys of Faith
After fixing the water heater from our Trial Run Trip, we decided to try another trip a little further away. This time the trip would take 1 hour to get to our destination. Nope. It ended up taking 6 and a half hours! Read on to hear more about our SOWLE RV JOURNEYS: Our Second Trip Out!
Our Second Trip Out
Traveling in a Motor Home
To begin with, this Momma has anxiety with traveling on highways. I won’t get into the details of that right no but it’s bad. So, after driving a bit, I had Mark pullover so I could walk around for a few seconds.
The Flat Tire
As soon as I stepped outside of the Motor home, I noticed that the back-right tire was very low. So, we had to find some place very close to stop and find out what was wrong. Mark happened to see a sign that said “RV Park” so we only had to turn around and head down the road just a few blocks thankfully.
I had to ask, “what RV Park sign did you see?” “Homewood RV Park”. “I know that place! I saw it on Campendium! Can we just stay there instead?!?!” Nope, because of all the flooding at the lakes, they’re full, no vacancy for the night. They did give us air for the tire though. Then we decided to head back to Ottawa that was about 20 minutes away since it was the largest, closest town near us.
“Where’s the closest tire repair place”? “Loves (they close in 7 minutes, hurry)”. Well, they couldn’t help us with our RV tire. “Next closest??” “Bob Alan Ford”. They couldn’t help us with our RV tire either!
“It’s getting late, and everyone is going to start closing. Next place?” “Midwest RV.” Nope, couldn’t help us, but did recommend us going across the street to a business that may be able to help us. Place across the street couldn’t help us either!
“Walmart?” YES!!! Walmart can help us! The wait is one hour and then it will take 30 minutes to fix it.
Walmart in Ottawa Kansas to the rescue! Called my sister (aka Auntie J) to come to Ottawa and let Aiden sit in her A/C with her while they fix the RV tire. There was THAT SOWLE Journey of Faith!
Where To Now?
While our goal was to get to 3 State Parks this trip, we are now exhausted, stressed, and ready to get settled in somewhere quickly.
We decided to try to get an extra night at Pomona State Park and not go on to Eisenhower State Park. Will there be an open spot with all the flooding at these lakes???
Yes!!! Spot available with full hookups even!
YES, PLEASE! 6.5 hours later (remember this trip was supposed to take 1 hour) we arrived and setup camp!
Praise God!!!!
We did have to move across the street to get the site we have reserved for the rest of our stay, but all is well now.
Spoke Too Soon!
Nope. Spoke too soon. Flat tire again the next morning! Are you SERIOUS?!?!
Thankfully there are some awesome Full-Time RV Camping Families that helped us out to use their air compressor and tools to fix and air up the tire again. It was the valve stem extension and O-ring that was bad, so it was allowing air to flow right back out. Removed that and so far, no leaks and the tire looks good!
Do What You Preach Lesson
Safety in Storms
Another “FUN” thing that happened while on this trip was weather related. If you follow our SOWLE RV Blog, you have read our RV Camping Severe Weather Awareness 4 Part Series. Well, my whole thing about “always have a plan for severe weather just in case” kind of went out the window with this renovated motor home idea!
We didn’t have a plan for this trip but after our walk this evening, we do now. The people at Pomona State Park in the campground we are staying in have volunteers working here and one of the nice gentlemen said “I’ll come get you and help u if bad weather comes”. That really put this anxious momma’s mind at ease!

No Internet?!?!
No internet for days upon days while camping? OK, I get it now. We’ve never camped in a campground where we couldn’t get internet until now. Now I understand why people get so irritated! I thought it would be nice to just not work and relax for an entire week but being cut off from the world for a week is getting to me now and we are only 3 days into it.
Yes, I exaggerated a bit. We aren’t entirely cut-off as we can make phone calls without them being dropped for the most part. We have antenna TV, but the towers are making it difficult to get cellular data to watch TV.

Time to Reflect
I suppose it’s a good time to reflect on everything that’s been going on in our lives the past few months. I realize how incredibly blessed we have been [SOWLE Journeys of Faith]. It’s also a perfect time to just spend some quiet time with my immediate family of my husband of 20 years (we just celebrated that last week), our son who is going to be 16 years old next month and will start his junior year of high school in the fall, and our 4 chihuahuas, 3 puppies and one girl who’s 17 years old.
In Conclusion to SOWLE RV’s Journeys: The Exciting Trip 1 Hour Away that Ended Up Taking 6 Hours to Arrive! [SOWLE Journeys of Faith]
A Few Days Later… we moved to a different site, and we have internet (all be it spotty) but we have it! Now back to work! Thanks for reading about SOWLE RV’s Journeys: The Exciting Trip 1 Hour Away that Ended Up Taking 6 Hours to Arrive! [SOWLE Journeys of Faith]! Join the SOWLE RV Community below to stay up to date with more SOWLE Journeys of Faith!
Everybody Has a Story to Tell
Everyone has had that moment (or more) where they knew something that happened was destined to happen. The blessing that occurred at just the right moment (even if maybe it wasn’t exactly what you had been praying for). It was just supposed to be THIS WAY moment. It felt right. We love hearing peoples stories about those divine moments when something happened and you just knew it was supposed to. We would love to hear YOUR story! We plan to add a section on our website for YOUR stories! If you would like to share your story and be considered for having it added to our site, send us a message below and we will get in contact with you.
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