Written by SOWLE RV
May 24, 2024
Christian Songs for the “SOWLE” A Spiritual Journey through Christian Music
Who doesn’t love listening to music? Whether it is Country, Heavy-Metal, Rap, Pop, Christian or any of the other 50 genres of music, there is sure to be some form of music each person enjoys and can relate to. What element of music can seem to transport you to a memory or event? Is it the pitch, tempo, melody, harmony, or tone? Or is it the lyrics that take you back?
For me, it is mostly the lyrics that get my attention first, then the tempo; however, there are times when a certain song (especially one that is very upbeat) can get my attention first. Either way, music grabs my attention, especially Christian Music, which is why I decided to write about Christian Songs for the “SOWLE” A Spiritual Journey through Christian Music.
The chills you feel when you hear a particularly moving piece of music may be the result of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that triggers sensations of pleasure and well-being.”4-5
How Music Affects Us
Music can affect our minds, bodies, and emotions and many times all at once! Music is very powerful! Research shows that listening to music can:
-reduce anxiety
-reduce depression
-reduce stress
-reduce physical discomfort
-reduce heart rate
-improve sleep quality
-improve mood
-improve respiration
-improve cardiac output
-improve mental alertness
-improve memory
-improve focus
-improve immune function
-improve your overall health
-improve performance of exercise
-improve your quality of life
-elicit emotions
-help recall memories
-lower blood pressure
-relax muscle tension
The Power of Christian Music: The Emotional Platter
Music can affect your mood, bring out emotions, and transport you back to an event (positive or negative) as soon as the song begins. For me that is certainly no exception. I realized after looking at my Christian Music Playlist in detail, that I had it in a particular order of my own emotions.
There were times when I just needed to hear God’s voice, praise Him, needed strength or empowerment from Him, or simply just needing to feel closer to Him. There were also times that were much heavier and deeper when I was dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, anger, and brokenness. It was all there, laid out on a platter… my Christian Music “Emotional Platter”.
Listening to Christian Songs and Singing Praises to God
Listening to music can be extremely beneficial but what about singing? Listening to Christian songs and singing along with praises to God in worship can be overwhelmingly beneficial even if you, like me, can’t carry a tune!
I know first hand that it can be incredibly helpful during times of anxiety. Singing praises, like praying, can be a cry for help in times of life’s stressful events. Music can help you express your absolute deepest, darkest parts of yourself that maybe can’t be expressed verbally.
Music can also be a great way to celebrate life! In times of special events and blessings that come, listening to music and singing praises of worship can be so uplifting!
Now that we have a good idea about the benefits of listening to and singing along with Christian Songs, let’s get to the Christian Songs for the “SOWLE” A Spiritual Journey through Christian Music!
Christian Songs for the “SOWLE” A Spiritual Journey through Christian Music-The Playlist
These are just a few Christian Songs that have helped me through difficult times in my life and also helped me to celebrate all of life’s blessings that He has bestowed onto us. If you would like to add this playlist to your favorite music, head over to SOWLE RV’s YouTube channel Christian Songs for the “SOWLE” A Spiritual Journey Through Christian Music!
When We Need to Hear His Voice Christian Songs
Show Me Your Glory
Sometimes we have done all the praying we can do and we just need to be still and know that He is God. He is there. We just need to listen for that still, small voice, and hear what God has to say.
Psalm 46:10
1 Kings 19:12
Psalm 85:8
This Christian song holds one of the deepest moments in it for me. My son, Aiden, was in the hospital and was a very sick little boy. He could not breathe without a constant C-Pap machine and the doctors were pushing us to put in a Trach.
Being a Mom of a child with special medical needs, I had fought many people in this world who thought they knew what was best for my son, however, parents know their children much better than anyone else on this earth. I thought I knew best, but the pressure was so strong.
I had prayed on it over and over and over but seeing Aiden like he was, was just killing me inside. I didn’t feel led yet. I remember after another “forceful” discussion with another doctor, I just had to get out of there! I knew Mark (my husband) was with Aiden so I told him I need to get outside for a bit.
Standing under a few trees, I basically begged God to lead me. I was crying in fear. I was so lost. I didn’t want to take away anything from Aiden. I stopped. I waited. Then I played some Christian Music on my phone. “Show Me Your Glory” by Third Day came on and I begged more to hear from Him. I sang with the song, “Send down Your Presence, I want to see Your face”.
I felt God’s presence like never before! It was such a strong force of power in such a beautiful way. Then it started pouring down rain with a strong thunderstorm. I was soaked head to toe but I knew the answer was to go through with the Trach for our Aiden. Of course it was the best decision we had ever made and has improved Aiden’s quality of life in such amazing ways!
Even If
His will, even if it isn’t what we want; the hardest one to hear for me and most people. We had plans to build a brand new home across the street from our new RV Camping Community. We would finally be living very close to all of my family. But things just were not going the way WE WANTED.
Once we stopped, prayed on it even more, and trusted HIS WILL, it all fell into place the way we know (now) He had planned.
Spirit of the Living God
So good when we need to hear Gods voice and guidance!
God Help Me
When we are asking God for guidance in what to do next… what is the next step?
Music for Praising Him Christian Songs
What a Beautiful Name
Praise You in This Storm
Praising Jesus even in the rough times.
When We Need His Strength and Empowerment Christian Songs
Our son, Aiden, who you know from my story above had gotten a trach, “sang” this song sitting outside of a Pepperjax restaurant with such strength!
Yes, he is non-verbal, but my gosh we could see it in his facial expressions, his eyes showed he felt it, and his mouth was moving to the words!
The Comeback
You Are Loved
Lord I’m Ready Now
One of the hardest things for me in life is deciding I needed do something DIFFERENT and stop hiding behind the fear of things. This Christian Song really helps me move forward instead of remaining stagnant.
Look What You’ve Done
For all of us that are overcoming (or have already overcome) many struggles in life.
Needing to Feel Closer to God Christian Songs
Holy Spirit
If you ever need to feel overcome with the Lords presence, listen to this Christian Song! “Holy Spirit, You are welcome here. Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere. Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for. To be overcome by your presence, Lord.”
Come On Over to the God Side! Christian Songs
Chain Breaker
The Only Name (Your’s Will Be)
Crazy Busy Life Christian Songs
This one holds a special place in my heart from those crazy 3 months that we spent in the hospital with Aiden when he got his trach. We were running around crazy trying to take care of things at home, trying to hurry to get back to hospital so we weren’t gone too long.
I had to listen to “Breathe” almost every time I arrived in the parking lot of the hospital to calm myself down before going back inside so I could be the advocate for Aiden that I know I had to be and more importantly, to be the strong Mom Aiden needed me to be for him.
“Breathe. Just breathe. Come and rest at my feet. And be, just be. Chaos calls but all you really need is to just breathe”.
Help With Anxiety and/or Depression Christian Songs
I have dealt with anxiety and depression a lot as I have gotten older. It is different for everyone for sure. At this point, my suggestion is don’t hide from the pain. If you have anxiety and/or depression don’t hide from it. Don’t give it the power! Feel it. Let it tell you all it needs to tell you. Bring it to the surface, BUT THEN LET IT ALL OUT!
Fear is not from God.
Fear is from the evil one.
“Fear, he is a Liar!”
Fear Is a Liar
Need You Now (How Many Times)
This Christian Song is what I call my “desperation and frozen in fear” song. That’s how I felt BEFORE we got Aiden the help he needed.
“How many times have you heard me cry out “God please take this?” How many times have you given me strength to just keep breathing? Oh I need you, God I need You now!”
Voice of Truth
Oh what a powerfully written song!
This is the Christian Song that reminds me of the ultimate battle of the evil one.
“But the waves are calling out my name and they laugh at me. Reminding me of all the times I’ve tried before and failed. The waves they keep on telling me, time and time again, “Boy you’ll never win!” “You’ll never win!””
“BUT the Voice of Truth, tells me a different story, the Voice of Truth says, “Do not be afraid!” And the Voice of Truth says, “This is for My glory” Out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth.”
Truth Be Told
“I say I’m fine, yeah I’m fine oh I’m fine, hey I’m fine But I’m not. I’m broken.”
Speak the truth. “The truth is rarely told”.
Tell Your Heart to Beat Again
When you have let it all out, it is time to let it all go. The hardest part. “Tell your heart to beat again. Close your eyes and breathe it in.”
When We Feel Broken and Need Him Christian Songs
Sometimes it’s not anxiety or depression in an uproar. Sometimes life is just hard. We can’t always win. Sometimes we just feel broken but know it will get better in time. No matter what, we have to give it to God. He is there ALWAYS.
“I’ve seen joy, I’ve seen pain. And on my knees, I call Your name. Here’s my broken hallelujah. With nothing left to hold onto, I raise these empty hands to you. Here’s my broken, here’s my broken hallelujah.”
Broken Hallelujah
I am Not Alone
We are NEVER alone! He is ALWAYS there!
Here’s your strength!
Angry and Trying to Understand People Christian Songs
Sometimes when we can’t understand other people, it helps to try to relate the best we can.
“What if we’re all the same in different kinds of ways? Can you relate?”
Uplifting and Upbeat Christian Songs
Whenever Aiden and I need an upbeat, faith-based, uplifting change to our moods, we always turn to the song “RATTLE” by Elevation Worship! Our favorite parts are:
“Pentecostal fire stirring something new
You’re not gonna run out of miracles anytime soon
Yeah, resurrection power runs in my veins too and
I believe there’s another miracle here in this room!”
“My God is able to save and deliver and heal
And restore anything that He wants to!
Just ask the man who was thrown
On the bones of Elisha
If there’s anything that He can’t do
Just ask the stone that was rolled
At the tomb in the garden
What happens when God says to move!”
Everybody Has a Story to Tell
Everyone has had that moment (or more) where they knew something that happened was destined to happen. The blessing that occurred at just the right moment (even if maybe it wasn’t exactly what you had been praying for). It was just supposed to be THIS WAY moment. It felt right. We love hearing peoples stories about those divine moments when something happened and you just knew it was supposed to. We would love to hear YOUR story! We plan to add a section on our website for YOUR stories! If you would like to share your story and be considered for having it added to our site, send us a message below and we will get in contact with you.
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