Written by SOWLE RV
April 23, 2024
Fun Bird Awareness Days of the Year
We love all things nature related! Our favorite activity while at home or while RV Camping is Bird Watching! There are many “birding” days throughout the year and we don’t want to miss any but tend to. That is why I created this list of Fun Bird Awareness Days of the Year! Checkout all the birding days below and then join SOWLE RV on these fun adventures!
Psalm 104:12 The birds of the sky nest by the waters; they sing among the branches.
National Bird Day
Annually on January 5th
National Save the Eagles Day
Annually on January 10th
National Bird Feeding Month
Annually in the month of February
Feed the Birds Day
Annually on February 3rd
National Nest Box Week
Annually February 14th through February 21st
Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC)
February 14th through February 17th, 2025
Buzzards Day (Turkey Vultures Day)
Annually on March 15th
World Sparrow Day
Annually on March 20th
International Bat Appreciation Day
Annually on April 17th
National Go Birding Day
Annually the last Saturday of April
Bird Day
Annually on May 4th
World Migratory Bird Day
Annually the 2nd Saturday in May
Annually the 2nd Saturday in October
Global Big Day
Pollinator Week
Annually the Last Full Week in the month of June
6-6 thru 6-22 2025
National American Eagle Day
Annually June 20th
Hummingbird Day
Annually the first Saturday of September
International Vulture Awareness Day
Annually the first Saturday of September
Bluebird of Happiness Day
Annually September 24th
October Big Day
Global Bird Weekend (Includes October Big Day)
October 10th – 12th 2025
RSPB Feed the Birds Day
Annually on the last Sunday of October
Project Feederwatch
Annually November 1st – April 30th
Christmas Bird Count (CBC)
Annually December 14 through January 5
12/14/2025 through 1/5/2026
Conclusion of Bird Awareness Days of the Year
We hope this helps you as much as it helps us to keep all of these super fun Bird Awareness Days of the year straight! Please join us at SOWLE RV on Facebook and our special Birding Group, SOWLE RV Team for Bird Watching! We share our results of birdwatching as well as we welcome everyone to share their photos with the group! Happy Birding!
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