Enjoying the Beauty of Nature as We Go RV Camping Together

[SOWLE Journeys of Faith]

October 18, 2019

Enjoying the Beauty of Nature as We Go RV Camping Together [SOWLE Journeys of Faith]

SOWLE Journeys of Faith

We just returned from another RV camping adventure together! Yes, GG (our 88-year-old Grandmother) went on another camping trip! She camped in our motorhome (our Class C we remodeled) and Mark, Aiden, and I stayed in our Travel Trailer for 3 weeks! We are always thankful when we get to take our family trips, especially when we are Enjoying the Beauty of Nature as we go RV camping together [SOWLE Journeys of Faith].

The Importance of Making Reservations

It is important to make reservations for RV Camping, especially at peak times. We had 4 RV Campers going with us on this trip, so it was even more important to have those reservations made ahead of time to get 4 spots together. The reservations were made plenty of months in advance for both our motorhome and travel trailer (as well as the other 2 RV’s going along), so that was good because most of the Kansas Campgrounds fill up quickly in the beginning of the Fall months. That was the case this time as well. We were excited to have gotten our favorite spots too!

The Weather During Our Fall RV Camping Trip

Being prepared for weather changes in Kansas when Fall arrives is essential to having a good camping trip. This was no exception on this trip as we had many changes in weather. The temperature range within this trip was anywhere between 58 degrees to 90 degrees as high temps.

We had a beautiful view from the camping spots we reserved. I love stepping out the RV door with a view of a beautiful “backyard” and a cup of coffee every morning. Like I said, we did have our fair share of changes in weather and temperature.


Fire in the Sky

Although we had many cloudy, cold days when the fireplace came in handy again, we did have clear skies on this trip as well! They brought out the absolute beauty of nature as we go RV Camping together in the fall! The cloud formations were spectacular! We even had one afternoon that brought a “fire in the sky” (see last photo).

1. Our trip started off warm. It was VERY warm for mid-September in Kansas; in the low 90’s! It stayed in the lower 90’s and upper 80’s the entire first week! I LOVED it, however, the rest of my family prefers it to be a little cooler, so they were happy when the cold front arrived. 2 weeks after we arrived, we woke up to a very foggy morning. It was beautiful at the lake though. It almost looked like mountains (Kansas “Mountains” anyway). Ha-ha!

2. We avoided many storms, somehow, on this trip. They would form to our west, completely dissipate, and then reform right after passing over us. This is odd, because normally a storm will increase when passing over a lake of water. We are the “blue dot” in the photos below that show the radar for where we were this trip. Crazy!

3. 1 week later the rains moved in. It stormed and brought in over an inch of rain the first weekend, however, the next weekend brought 1.81” on Saturday and 2.51” on Sunday. We spent a lot of time inside that weekend! Although, I must admit, it wasn’t anything like the cold and rain we experienced last year!

Enjoying the Beauty of Nature

Speaking of weather changes, we happened to be outside when a major cold front came through. The temps went from a high of 84 degrees that afternoon to 57 degrees low very quickly. This cold front brought in something we had never seen before. This is truly enjoying the beauty of nature as we go RV Camping together!



Dragonflies came swarming through the campground! There were SO MANY!!! It was beautiful and crazy weird at the same time. We were so surprised by them that we didn’t get to video much of it, but I did get a few seconds of them towards the end of their fly-through.

Soaring on Wings like… Eagles!

We also saw a Bald Eagle on this trip. It was far away but I got the best photo I could because we really thought that’s what it was. We used the Merlin Bird ID App and did a Photo ID and that verified that we indeed were looking at a beautiful Bald Eagle! It was a very cool thing to see while enjoying the beauty of nature as we go RV Camping together!



Geese and Gulls

There were many Geese doing their daily flyovers. We loved waiting for them to arrive every morning. There were also many Gulls flying over on beautiful, clear days.



Sunrise, Sunset

Oh, my goodness how I LOVE the sunsets at the lake while RV Camping. The openness of the sky without anything blocking the view always leads to a spectacular view!

This trip wasn’t any exception in the Sunset area either. I think the photos speak for themselves.

The skies really put on a beautiful show while camping, so don’t forget to look up! The moon even made a beautiful appearance a few nights, but mostly cloudy skies don’t allow for great photos.




Puppies First RV Camping Adventure

Like I said earlier, the “Tinies” (Ginger and Love; Chihuahua sisters who were only 3 months old on this trip) got their very first taste of RV Camping and I think they loved it.

There was lots of training going on and MANY “No-No’s” but they really seemed to enjoy. They started their very first RV Camping adventure heading out the door to explore the day after we arrived.

We tied them up on extra small Tie Out Cables that we had for our other pups. This proved to be a disaster and totally unsafe!

You can read more about their adventures on this trip coming up soon, we promise! Look for our article “Training Puppies for RV Camping” coming soon!

GG Loved playing with them and getting visits in the motorhome from them but not sure that Cocoa (GG’s Chihuahua on the floor in blanket in last photo) enjoyed their visiting….?

Just another reason we are so very glad to have these 2 RV’s so we can journey together and another reason why THIS is in the SOWLE Journeys of Faith!



Sad News

Little did we know, as often is the case, that this would be our oldest pup, “Baby Beluga Lil’ Bit Hardman” last RV Camping trip with us.

Sadly, she passed away a week after we returned from this trip.

She was almost 18 years old and was our first Chihuahua as a married couple. We miss her so much. Rest peacefully our sweet girl.



A Little of This and That…

Football, Fur-balls, and Food

We enjoyed watching the Chief’s play football while hanging out outside with a beautiful view and cool, crisp air in our new jersey’s.

Oh, you KNOW we HAD TO get us all Hardman Jersey’s since the Kansas City Chiefs have a new Wide Receiver named Mecole Hardman and “Hardman” is OUR last name!











We spent many days just simply relaxing and hanging out with Aiden and the pups. We know school will be starting for Aiden full-time soon and we really enjoy our last BIG camping trip every year. I tried to take a single nap one day and this is what THAT turned into…

I didn’t ever get a nap but I’m thankful for these little fur-balls anyway!

There were a few days that I also tried to get a little work done with the SOWLE RV Blog. Well, you can see how that turned out…










We ate mostly the same meals we planned for each trip; however, we did try a new Super Simple Breakfast that turned out pretty good considering I forgot to pack a few things for it! Mark and I made Canadian Bacon Breakfast Sandwiches.

Super Simple Canadian Bacon Breakfast Sandwich

I forgot to pack the circle shaped “cookie cutter” for the eggs so we improvised (as we often do while RV Camping) and used a plastic cup!

My Birthday and SOWLE RV’s Anniversary!

I also celebrated my birthday on this trip which happens to also be the day that we launched our blog last year. So, we celebrated BOTH!

RV Camping is ALWAYS something I love to do on my birthday. We had the BEST, most AWESOME BBQ from my favorite BBQ Joint in Kansas and my family brought me gifts and a beautiful fall cake.

However, they seemed to mess up the numbers on my cake because I’m only 34 not 43! RIGHT?!?!

Well, you’re only as old as you feel, right?

SOWLE RV Our New Normal


Another crazy nature thing happened during this trip. One night, I was outside, and I heard the strangest sound! We go RV Camping A LOT. Of course, I know the normal sounds of wildlife while camping, especially in Kansas, but this was one I hadn’t heard before. I called my sister “J” to come outside and neither of us could figure out what we were hearing but it sounded VERY close and creepy!

I called Mark to come listen and he wasn’t sure what we were hearing either. It was dark, so we couldn’t see anything. Of course, Mark went walking to check it out. He ended up walking towards the lagoon down the road.

So, what was this crazy sound we were hearing? Frogs. Frogs MATING to be exact. Apparently male frogs croak A LOT just before and after rain because they’re trying to attract a mate. Rain creates the perfect conditions for the female to lay eggs in the pools of water created by the rains.

My goodness those Males were LOUD!

Kinda explains why we saw a much larger number of frogs at the campground this fall. They had been busy! Ha-Ha! So, there’s your Science Education for the day!

SOWLE RV Our New Normal


Speaking of a Science Education, you would think us crazy people had never camped before by this next Nature Lesson, but I had honestly never seen this before!

I was over at my parent’s campsite, and we were saying “goodnight” as I was walking down their campsite, Dad saw a HUGE spider.

Again, we go RV Camping A LOT!

Spiders are always there and always big but on this trip we really saw much larger spiders for some reason. Maybe one of you can educate me on why that is!?!?

Anyway, we noticed that this spider had a HUGE back.

Dad went over to it to move it but ended up squashing it.

Come to find out, it was a female spider with TONS of tiny little spiders all on her back.

Now my son, Aiden, probably thinks I am an idiot for not knowing what I was looking at since he loves Scientific stuff, but this was certainly new to me!

The “specks” you’re seeing in the photo are actually tiny spiders!

In Conclusion to Enjoying the Beauty of Nature as We Go RV Camping Together [SOWLE Journeys of Faith]

That was our last trip of the season as these 2 RV’s had us all enjoying the Beauty of Nature as We Go RV Camping Together, but we are certainly looking forward to many more trips together again next year when warmer weather returns. For now, we will be taking the motorhome out on the weekends!


Everybody Has a Story to Tell

Everyone has had that moment (or more) where they knew something that happened was destined to happen. The blessing that occurred at just the right moment (even if maybe it wasn’t exactly what you had been praying for). It was just supposed to be THIS WAY moment. It felt right. We love hearing peoples stories about those divine moments when something happened and you just knew it was supposed to. We would love to hear YOUR story! We plan to add a section on our website for YOUR stories! If you would like to share your story and be considered for having it added to our site, send us a message below and we will get in contact with you.


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Enjoying the Beauty of Nature as We Go RV Camping Together [SOWLE Journeys of Faith] | SOWLE RV Enjoying the Beauty of Nature as We Go RV Camping Together [SOWLE Journeys of Faith] | SOWLE RV Enjoying the Beauty of Nature as We Go RV Camping Together [SOWLE Journeys of Faith] | SOWLE RV

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